What is The Coromandel Cure anyway?

“Cure” may be one of the most important, and most easily misunderstood words. At face value, cure means something simple. A cure is a remedy. Being cured means whatever ails you now is gone (and won't come back).

For many people, “cure” means something more. It means having the peace of mind that you have ready access to treat what ails you, whether it be stress from a too-busy life, a broken heart, or frustration at the path your life is taking you.  Maybe you're just grumpy, or the kids are stroppy for no apparent reason.

This is where The Coromandel Cure comes into its own. It’s the tried and true prescription that guarantees improved well-being and the positivity and peace of mind that goes along with it.

And now it is scientifically proven to be good for your soul.

How we know it works

Traditional medicines, treatments and therapies may improve your health and well-being. A cure leads to both these improvements. We know because as locals, we take The Coromandel Cure regularly and feel the results daily.  Sure, we have normal messy lives too, but here's what works for us:

Cure: A walk in the bush listening to birds (not podcasts)
Side effect: The realisation that forest bathing is an actual thing

Cure: A summer swimming hole, the most luxurious pool ever
Side effect: The Raro stays cold and the kids don't need a shower when they get home

Cure: A couple of nights in a tent to the calls of ruru and the sound of waves
Side effect: An elevated desire to simplify your life

Cure: Collecting a feed of tuatua from the estuary at low tide
Side effect:  You turn whitebread sandwiches into a whole-food

Cure: A trip to the mussel farms to fish
Side effect: You feel justified to buy that boat at last

Cure: Biking the Tairua Pauanui River Trail
Side effect: The serenity of an empty mind and the desire to do it again, soon

Cure: Climbing all the way to the top of The Pinnacles or the Kauri Block
Side effect: The determination to really get fit this year

Cure: A hike to Homunga Bay
Side effect: Confidence that you can find the way after all, given time

Cure: Taking the kids to the Karangahake Gorge
Side effect: A new interest in our history

Cure: Taking a boat trip to The Aldermen
Side effect: Appreciation for how short a time humans have been on this planet in the context of things

Cure: A day out at the Keltic Fair or the Thames Market
Side effect: An unexpected bag full - but it's all local and delicious

Cure: A locally made brew with friends on the deck
Side effect:  Satisfaction in knowing that Coro' producers are as good as anyone, anywhere

Cure: A long lunch in the shade at the cafe or the vineyard
Side effect: An urge to lift your game in the kitchen, grow some herbs

Cure: Browsing a local art gallery
Side effect: Inspiration to start sketching again and see where it takes you

Cure: A night at a Coroglen gig
Side effect:  The realisation that you're never too old

Cure: Walking along the beach and seeing a baby dotterel
Side effect: An overwhelming urge to help protect our beautiful vulnerable nature